Saturday, September 25, 2010

Reading assignment


The Age of Symbolism

Age : 5-6 years


- developed a repertoire of graphis equivalents/symbols for things in their enviuornment = house/tree/person
- Symbols are highly individualized based on their conceptual understanding
- Symbols differ from one child to another
- Symbols that clearly differentiated head/trunk/arms/legs at appropriated place.
- Details such as clothing/hands/feet/fingers/nose/teeth are drawn
- Nevertheless if the child didnot draw a particular part does not mean that he/she do not know how or why, but it just that part may not be so important to them.
- Once the symbols were established, it will be repeated again and again until other things caught his/her interest

Baseline drawings
5-6 years is the age that involves the introduction of baseline and no longer the objects be floating in the paper.
- they will recognise the objects which have a definite place on the groung
- Initially, houses/people/tress will be lining up at the bottom of the paper
- then later, drawn line acrros the paper can be the ground,
- they proceed to draw a floor or any base for the people and objects to rest
- then multiple baslines may be drawn
- as time goes on, the baseline will eventually disappears in the older group, and the space below the baseline will takes on by ground plane

In this group also develop the Special Visual Effects, whereby they come up ingenious ways to depict space.
- drawing a sequence of drawings to represent events that occur over time
- drawing representations of space and time result from their growing concern for telling stories and showing action
- Visual narrative starts aroung the age of 5 the will grows stronger as they get older
- X-ray drawing whereby the object appears transparent or the child wanted the viewer to see what is inside the object.
- this happen with a reason - the child want to tell that whatever inside is more important and he/she wants it to be seen
- X-ray technique mostly applies to show the inside of their houses/school/car

Children's Art and Cultural Images
Many children will simply copy their favourite super heros and comic-book character, and some may even invent their own characters with their own narrative plots. It is advisable to not to discourage their efforts but should take full advantage of their creativity activity to full advantages to develop further drawing abilities beyond the most basic level.

(to be continued)The crisis of Realism

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