Friday, September 24, 2010

Reading assignment


Pre-symbolism: The Figure Emerges

Age: 3 - 4 years

- combining the circles with one or more lines = a human figure (look like Tadpoles or head-feet)
- to represent mother & father they might draw 2 tadpoles without visible distinctions between the 2 figures.

The "Tadpole" Phenomenon(why young children draw unrealistice/incomplete human forms)
- Omission bodily features because lack of knowledge about the different parts of the human body, or their organisation.
- Looking only at the abstract shapes in their repertoire and to combined in various ways to symbolize objects in the world.
- Simply being selective
- Drawing parts that are necessary to be recognizable as human forms.
- Therefore their drawings should not be interpreted cautiously as a reflection of personality or intellectual growth not otherwise.
- Experiences play to extend children’s awareness of their own body parts will result in more complete representations of the figures that they draw. For example, children drawing without arms or hands might encourage playing catch with a ball, the draw playing catch.
- Be more actively in activity to develop a personal awareness .

Age : 4-5 years old.

- various way and may depict differently each time.
- create figures quite unique
- depicted the figures by experience gone thru, for example person walking with a fig 7, exaggerated the feet to symbolize walking.
- drawing arms to express the feeling of being picked up.
- evidence suggested that eventhough they did not draw any arms or legs, but they are capable of identifying these parts when asked to do so.
- for self image, the head will be drawn larger because of its importance to the child.
- concept of space, as he/she increasing aware of the world aroung them, many objects that make up their environemnt will appear. But the object will not be organized accordingly, they will appear to being on the page.

To the adult eyes will be incorrect because it does not have the 3 dimensional space by rate linear prespective.
Rather than considering this as a defect - one might appreciate their honesty in arranging the forms and at least their capacity for creating balanced 2 dimensional compositions. . In conclusion, in artwork there is not right or wrong way to portray space in a drawing.

to be continued (The Age of Symbolism)

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