Monday, August 2, 2010

TOUGAIM Online 210710 - reflection (Part 2) contd

Once the person gives some flesh in to the story of the picture, invite the person at all time to link to the object of the projection – “Could you look at the picture again, which part of the person you like best?” At all time, link back to the picture, do not go verbalize missing the point of linking it to the drawing.

As the person describe to you, you are going to hear metaphor, symbol that is to take you to a literate level, eg. Which part of the person you like best? If he said leg which is a metaphor for offering mobility, freedom, which means that he is not stuck, not fixed, the legs is moving already. But leg also means grounding, security, connection to the earth, stability. So in term of legs, the picture indicate to the drawer, the leg is strong and well connected, not unbalance, not whent the wind blows he will falls.

Then invite the person to draw another person of the other gender, you might see a certain common style, certain contrasting style that will speak out from the picture. Note to notice – we cannot depend on a single painting, before certain things will surface. The whole idea is not to depend on one reliable hypothesis, whereby to make a straight forward simple interpretation based on a single object.

Another ways to do the projection and connection -
• If you look at the picture again, if there was a word or a phase that you associate in creating a title what will it be?
• If you get the chance to say that if this picture were to be drawn by a person what will the person be liked, a girl a man who draw this picture?
• Is there anything that stand out to you, more than anything else?
• Can you say something about the head?

Example of summarising:
“So this young man, is very cool. All the world would like to see him nice and cool, relax and would like the world to take him seriously, respectfully and he prefer to be treated like an adult. Having the capacity to be an adult. From what I heard that this person has not find the social identity that indicate by the face of the social setting. So he is standing outside “

When we summarising it, then we will be putting it back to the originated story of the client who by that time will be able to talk more – into a dynamic process.

The key thing is not about all quick interpretation but is always a process of engagement. As a facilitator we need to communicate, helping the client to discover and explore. Be his willing partner to learn from, uncovering many layer of the picture, treating it as a communication to a different level of unconscious that is – social culture unconscious, collective unconscious, all will be express through the manifestation of the projecting drawing.


  1. Thank you Melinda to sort this out, it's a great reflection :) it's remind me again, slowly and patiently wait for the process and using more outer witness questioning skill. as a therapist, we can only speak on behalf for our self, not for the clients. thus, i can only be outer witness .

    beautiful work !

    i really like this phrase "As a facilitator we need to communicate, helping the client to discover and explore.The key thing is not about all quick interpretation but is always a process of engagement"!

    you really great and enthusiasm. my dear!!

  2. Thanks you for the compliment, and I also learned from you, as you have more experience handling clients.

  3. I have only praise for keen enthusiasm and desire for learning. I only hope the group can engage more actively like you both in supporting each other in their learning.
