Monday, August 2, 2010

TOUGAIM Online 210710 - reflection (Part 1)

Picture/drawing – choose a size not too small, but must be enough within the vision for a person’s view, A4 is the most commonly used.

Thing to notice:
- Time it takes, if the person is to take an hour to draw the picture, meaning that he/she is spending his/her time to certain details upon the tasks that he is delivering.

- When as a facilitator, asking the questions – ask open questions because we would not want to lock it down meaning like – we should said draw a person and not draw a man or a women

- Preferable as the person to draw a full person and it happens that he/she is drawing the head only, ask him/her “I wonder you can draw a full person”

- Once the person has finished drawing a very clearly person’s gender , you could go to the next question “Is this a female or a male person you drawn? If it is male could you draw a female person?” But most of all, must be patience to wait for the 1str figure been drawn 1st, the reason being that you would not want to freeze up the person to draw the intent person, give him/her an option to draw a figure – give the wide degree of freedom in term of gender and in term of age.

- Not to lead the person to a particular image. If he/she happens to ask “shall I draw myself” Just tell him/her “Just draw a person”. The reason – if the person who draw himself, is connected of representation of himself/herself for himself/herself to the world. Wherelse to draw a person, you are working indirectly which leads to projection = key factor. If we said SELF, the person is more conscious of self representation. If to draw a person = neutralised.

To watch out
• how the person draw, eg. Where he/she starts first – the head, the leg, the hair, outline of the figure, when he filled in the inside of the figure and etc.
• How the person uses the paper,
• How the figure seems to filled in the paper.

QUESTIONING – will allow the drawer to inbuilt attributes to it as you started to flash out the skeleton metaphorically, uses more of open questioning, and go for projection questioning.

Projection question:
• What gender is this person?
• If you can give an age, what age can you give to this person?
• Where is the person at present, in this drawing?
• Would you like to look at this person, what is the thing that he like?
• I wonder could you look at the picture again, in looking at this picture of a young man, I imagine whether he is in fulltime education, or has he left full time education, what is the more likely to be his status now?
• So, if he is in school, with a full time education, in the secondary education, how good is he in school?
• If he is an average student, what is his favourite subject in school?
• If he likes sport so much, any particular sport that comes out from your mind, when you look at the picture?
Emotional questions:
• In looking at him now, what emotion is he more likely expressing in that way he is standing?
• Being relax in his natural self in that picture, how does he to be seen by his friends or by the people that is passing by?
• What is his favourite colour at the moment?
Then from here you move on to other questions which can be projected further, a less concrete one)
• What is his ambition?
• If he has any quarrel with anyone, who is it that he most likely to have go for advice?
• For a 14 years old, he must have a social relationship, how is he and his family relationship?
• Which part of his body does he like most?
• If it is the leg, what is it about his leg that he likes most?
• And if being strong, what does the leg allows him to do?
• Is there any part of the body that de hoes not like?
• If he did have muscles in his arms,how does it make his life slightly different?
• If this person is a full adult, what will provoke him to be angry?
• If there is anything that irritates him or frustrates him, what will that be?

By this way, a story wills starts to emerge. This kind of Projective work using
visual medium which are focusing on a human figure drawing. When we start to draw we never think consciously – as we just draw. In here particularly the drawing, any kind of expression will contain what is conscious and what is unconscious, 80% is projected out is unconscious, as we did not think twice.

After the projection, the next thing is to flash it out more (Importantly to remember = for children may not be able to answer the question, because of their limitation in term of their speech and cognition of their intellect, they may not be able to engage, so it means that you have to work deafen)

In any kind of projection – do not move too fast as you want the person to feels safe, you do not the person to feels tension to project out his consciousness or unconsciousness. Using the interview technique.

(to be continued)

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