If you can give an age, what age can you give to this person?
24 years old
(In the picture, the girl look about that age, young and care free. The bone structures perfect no abnormities. The skin looks smooth – no wrinkles.)
What is her status?
(As I am going through the interview, it only struck my mind that the person that I drawn was me, at that time I was married)
Who does she stay with?
She was staying with in-law with big family.
(I married into a very big family, and was very scary as I am an only child from my own family, just my mum and me, therefore I need to really adjust myself into my husband’s big family)
Who are there in the big family?
Granny, father and mother in-law, 1 sister in law, 4 bothers in law and also brother in-laws' wives.
By looking at this picture, who is she more likely to be attached with?
She is very attached with her own mother and also her husband.
(My mother was my pillar before I was married, and later when I was married, my husband became my other strong pillar – every now and then I use to travel back to my mum place to seek her comfort)
The way she is standing, where is this she at present?
In the market place.
What is she holding in her hand?
She is holding a basket of small flowers for selling to donate to the children charity.
(Somehow and other, I link back from when I was 24 back to now at present – I would love to give out my own money to the charity but was unable therefore the only thing that I can do was to sell thing then give the money to the charity organisation.
Then why did I use flowers to represent the item that I am selling and why not flag?
The nature, it is symbolic of transitoriness (I mentioned later that some are withered) of Spring and Beauty.
In looking at the person, what emotion is she more likely to express in the way that she is standing?
Shy, unable to talk much, unable to ask the pass by to buy, very shyly holding up the basket, showing people that need to sell the flowers.
(At the age of 24 years old, I do not talk much; I will be exactly like the person in the drawing, smiling shyly holding up the basket of flowers, asking in a low tone voice, “Would you like to buy?” and the people passing by need to strain their ears to listen)
If she is currently at the market place, can you describe the place?
Very busy market place, a lot of people walking pass her, some look at her strangely, some wondering what is she doing.
She standing like a statue, without uttering many words, just smile.
Did she manage to sell any flowers?
Some not much, some too got withered.
By the way of this person is standing, how does she like to be seen by others in the society?
Obedient, follows to the rule, respects the elderly, no nonsense, soft spoken.
(At 24, without experience I will do exactly what others asked me to do and without asking why? I will follow the rules strictly, I respect my elderly, and I can’t voice out or would not voice out much)
In her line of work, what does she do?
office admin.
How is she doing at her work place?
She is hard working, well like by most people, but there are a small group that are jealous of her.
(I was very hard working, I stayed back and sometime took back my work if I can’t finished it, my boss and some respected me very much, but there was a small group felt jealous, and may be they felt threaten.)
In this picture, how can she make her work place better
Work hard as always; be more nice to the jealousy group, hoping one day she will wins their heart too.
(Yes, I tried to be nice to them, but somehow and other they managed to make me sad)
What is it about with winning her colleagues heart?
so that everyone will work in harmony in the office, rather than having a negative environment, where everything will be chaotic, back stabbing each other.
(I do not like to have quarrelsome environment, I love peace in the office, where everyone is genuinely friendly to everyone.)
What does she love to do during her free time?
Lying down with a novel in hand, and loss herself in the fantasy of the novel.
(I love to read, and that is the only way I can de-stressed – but of course during 24 I do not know much about stress)
What genre of novel does she love to read?
Fantasy, romance, vampire-romance, shape-shifting thriller.
Which is the one that she loves the most?
Shape-shifting thriller.
If there is anything that irritates or frustrates her, what will that be?
Back stabbing by others.
(I felt betrayed when back stabbing happened to me, and it made my world chaotic, and also very sad)
If there is anything that makes her angry, what will that be?
When got scolding for no reason from other people.
If she has a chance, what can she do to minimize the problem?
Avoid getting into trouble.
(Yes, at 24 I always tried very hard to avoid getting into trouble, and I will always go out of my way to do things for them just to make them happy to minimise being the victim.)
If she has a chance to make a wish, what would that be?
Wish that people will buy up all the flowers fast so that I can donate the money to the children charity.
What is it with the children that she cares so much?
They are a group of unfortunate special children, where the centre needs a lot of money to provide them with a special education so that when they grow up, they can be independent and fend for themselves.
(Somehow, at this point I started to jump back to the present time, when I am helping to sell tickets for the Autistic Centre for a fund raising project)
By the way of this person is standing, which part of the body that she likes the most?
the hair
What is it about her hair that she likes?
abundance, moving freely, long and straight.
What can she do with her hair?
She put on a hair band to keep it in place.
(Why hair? Hairs – energy, the very top of the human body – the energy, the top and higher forces of the body, abundant of hair – linked to the will to succeed.)
Is there any part that she wishes to be different?
the leg, it is too straight.
How can she do better with that?
she can actually can relax a little bit, so that it won't be like she is standing like a statue.
How would that help?
if she is relax, then she won't be so tension and anxious, then she perhaps will able to speak more freely, rather too tension until she is almost mute, unable to ask people to buy her flowers.
Is there anything that stand out to you, more than anything else?
her skirt
Why is that?
it moves so freely, when the wind blows.
If you look at the picture again, if there was a word or a phase that you associate in creating a title what will it be?
An unfruitful day.
(There are some more flowers that are unsold)
Any thoughts that you want to relate to your drawing?
Mistakes to be corrected, wishes to make come true
(Mistakes – If I will to be 24 again, I will make sure that I will not be step on, I will make sure that I will voice out my unsatisfactory both in the office as well in my family, I will built myself more strong in my mentality, and etc.
Wishes – I wished that I can have more knowledge, I wished that I can be more capable to help the children that need my help, I wished that there are more rich organisations that can help to adopt some of the centres)
Shirley Awe: Pls allow me to do teh summary
In this picture, this 24 years old lady who just got married is currently staying with the in-law with a big family. She is attached to her own mother and also husband
She is currently at a market, holding a basket of small flowers for selling to donate to the children charity. She is shy, unable to persuade passerby the need to sell the flowers. People walking pass her, some look at her strangely, some wondering what is she doing.
She like to be seen as obedient, respectful and gentle.
She is an office admin who work very hard, well like by most people, but there are a some that are jealous of her. She believe that she can make her work place better by working hard as always, be nicer to the everyone, hoping one day everyone will work in harmony in the office
She love to read shape-shifting novel during her free time
She get frustrated with back stabbing by others and scolded for no reason. She prefers to avoid getting in trouble during any of that incident
She wish to help the special children by donating money so the centre can provide them a better place for special education which can help them to be independent later.
She loves her hair as it is free, long and straight and occasionally she put on a hair band to keep it in place. She prefers her legs to be more relax, with that perhaps she will be able to persuade more people in buying her flowers.
[7:59:51 PM] Shirley Awe: You named the work ‘An unfruitful day’.
(The whole interview process last 59 mins)