Thursday, July 8, 2010

Type of study :Art therapy applied to an adolescent with Asperger's Syndrome


After the course of 7 months that Emma engaged in art therapy, resulting -
. increasingly more communicative
. insights into her diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome
. comfortable in communicating
. able to discuss and make plans for the future
. developing and incorporating new coping strategies
. more useful on her social skills
. became increasingly involved with her peers at school
. able to discussed and sought out post secondary information, application
. completion resulted in an acceptance.

Advantages of art therapy for Emma -
. benefited greatly from the multi-sensory immersion from her narrower world into the larger broader world that suurounds her
. opend new avenues and channels of communication fro her to utilize
. nonverbal communication is created into a tangible form, enchancing the therapeutic process to address the presenting problem
. gain insight into her personal struggle
. able to incorporated them into her identity, changing her presceptis and behaviors

With all the advantages of the art therapy for Emma, but there are also limitation, that she need to leave for college and disengage from the therapeutic relationship and its support system, there was no longer be any availablility to guide Emma while she transitioned into her new academic and social environment.

My Reflection:
Can't wait to try on some of my little friends using all the above to method, especially with 1 who is autistic who are so scared to lift up her head to look at the expression of others. The Mirror and tile design will help her a lot, but am not sure that she can comply as she does not have much verbal. But, I will wait for the right opportunity to try, though.

The day I will celebrate will be that day she lift up her head and open her eyes willingly to look at me....


  1. Aren't the strengths of art therapy lies in the fact that it is non-verbal? Compliance may not be a helpful expectation to have as it suggest someone sets the rule upon which the other have to follow or comply to. This may not communicate mutuality. You don't have to communicate with words when you can communicate with silence.

  2. But it is beyond my power to use art to communicate with her, because of certain protocol which was set by the 'centre'. It has been ages that the teachers in there shouting instructions to her which was not taken in by her. Her head was always bend towards the ground, hidding from others. This week, I communicate with her by bending down and look up into her eyes. Now the only challenge is to make her open her eyes.
