Thursday, June 24, 2010

CPPD - Art and Image Making workshop 5 June (cont'd)

2nd half of the workshop after lunch.

One does not need to be an artist to engage in or benefit from art, which focus on our visual side of our brain that normally expresses our unconscious feelings through images instead of words.

In the 2nd half of this workshop, all participants were asked to do their own art piece, using the materials that are provided at the front of the class. Before starting the art piece, Alex asked them to allow their mind to float into creativity; they are to go towards the art materials to feels, smell, and touch and to connect to it before use it to do the exercise.

After we have finished our art master piece, we are to give a name for it. Then all of us broke into our own group. We are to tell out team mate what we have created. Our team mate then will ask questions, to clarify more, sometimes in doing that the person who own the art piece will be able to reflect deeper into his/her piece of art.

After we have finished our turn, then take their turns to step into our shoe and own our art to reflect more into it by using “If I owns this art, .......”.
It was fun though, as the person who stepped into my shoe, said something that I have not noticed. She said “If I own this art, I will put both ears into it.”

This is my masterpiece titled MYSELF - CELEBRATION
I have seen this activity done in Rama, where the children were given a paper plate and some materials to do her self-portrait. From that time on, I have always want to do mine and this chance was here.....

My reflection on - MYSELF - CELEBRATION
Curly hair (as I loved curly hair like in most fairytale stories where the princess have curly, long hair),
Thick eyebrow (my mum always told me look for a husband with thick eyebrow, why? because he has the ability to shoulder the responsibility of the family, is it same to female, I wonder)
Big rounded eyes (to see more things, be alerted, window to my soul)
Big pink mouth (to talk, but sometimes at some moment I got mute or stuck, I really wanted to talk more, but at that moment seems that no words coming out, why?)
A garden of flowers (I love flowers, sentimental I guess)
4 colourful ballons (when and where does ballons appears, during occassion of happiness, celebration, children, funfair - which I loved most but here I made it to represent 1 from BOLD, 1 from LION, 1 from family and 1 from my work)
Sprakling fireworks (small celebration?)

when I passed my masterpiece to one of my group mate, she said to me this.
I wonder where are the ears (it really make me realise, yeah where is the ears, why did I not include the ears, there must be a reason, if anyone read this can help me to intrepret, you are most welcome)


  1. Use what you gain from the previous module, use free association, amplification and active imagination to extend your exploration. E.g. If this was my picture what will be my associations with 'ears'? what would be the significance of its omission? What can I do or can't do with that body part? etc etc Learn to be curious. Did I choose not to 'hear'? What is it that I may not choose to pay attention to, 'tune' into, what is on the outside or inside? If hearing is about receiving, what is it I am not ready to accept and from whom? Am I getting too much of an 'earful', people all too ready to give advice and prescriptions that I find it hard to 'lend them my ear'? etc etc

  2. 1st of all, my listening skills is not good, I need people to repeat a few times before I get the full picture. I need to visualised on things together with the hearing, then I will able to sink down to my head.
    2nd, it has been my bad habit - not hear what I do not want to hear, eg. sadness, violent, quarrelsome, mainly negative things.
    Can this be why the ommission? Is it bad? I have been trying to build up my listen skill recently, it really helps in my working as a sales representative whereby I need to listen to hear the needs from my customers. By the way, do you know where can I get tips on listening skills?

  3. Try You Tube and type in "How to be a good listener" and you get a number of helpful tips from expertvillage My own tip is the practice of mindfulness as the more 'present' you are in yourself by initially listening compassionately to your 'self' ..... you will start to hear intuitively not with your ears but with your heart to what is and what ought not or should.
